Increasing Active Mobility, including walking, cycling and use of public transport, results in environmental, economic and social benefits. What’s more, health benefits arise from the boost of physical activity through walking and cycling as a daily routine without any sports ambitions.
The Austrian Health Fund (FGOE) has determined “Active Moblity” as a priority to be funded in the project call “Active Mobility – Healthy Travelling 2019-2022” for the settings school, company and municipality.

The objectives of this current project are the guidance, support and implementation of this call. The research focus is on the evaluation of measures and projects to promote Active Mobility within the three settings. Which kinds of measures result in a long-term behaviour change (in terms of switching from car use to walking or cycling) and which indicators describe these effects best? Factors of success for an efficient implementation and supportive framework conditions should be figured out to guarantee a sustainable establishment of promising Active Mobility measures. An evaluation concept is worked out to gather learning experiences and share them among the research community as well as among the three settings.
Project leader: DI Dr. Sandra Wegener
Sub-project leader: Ass.Prof. DI Dr. Juliane Stark
Contact: sandra.wegener@boku.ac.at